In these competitive times, there are many surface preparation companies across the UK, and choosing one to undertake your project may seem a bit of a minefield. This article looks at some of the reasons why Grit Blasting UK or could be the one for you and your organisation.

The work we do varies greatly – from blasting steels to preparing massive concrete floors in out-of-town warehouses or blast cleaning statues to huge agricultural silos, wind turbines and historic buildings. The scope is tremendous. We also undertake regular blasting and powder coating work for arboricultural companies, cleaning and coating machinery before it is sold on the open market. All of this work is specialist, and we are known as specialist contractors.
To be efficient, and to structure our work according to customer need, we are divided into three distinct divisions. Our Floor Preparation team offers on-site concrete floor preparation for example. Our Mobile Grit Blasting team works across the UK, blast cleaning and providing on-site surface preparation. And finally, our Blast and Paint Shop team are based in Wiltshire - across our two facilities, and work on contracted and ad hoc surface preparation and paint/powder coating. This is a growing area for us, and we have recently taken on new contracts locally.

Quality is our number one tenet. You may find our prices are not always the cheapest, and this reflects the investment in technology and training to ensure that we provide you with the very best surface preparation results. Quality is our brand, and our service offer. Whether you are procuring our services for the first time or are a regular contactor working with us – you will see that we deliver above expectations, on time and in full. This is an important mantra where time costs money for all involved in a project.
Our knowledge and skills are based upon having a highly talented team, who are experienced in their fields, and our training programme for new staff ensures those skills are passed down and are deployed in our surface preparation work – making us reliable too.
Our equipment and our facilities are important assets to us and our clients. Whether we are buying consumables for our flooring equipment, blast media for our surface preparation or powder coating for our finishes, we invest in the best materials. This is the same for our equipment – whether that’s generators, diamond grinding equipment or for lift trucks for our premises. Investment in the latest reliable technology ensures reliability for us in providing services locally or on-site.

Finally, we have been here for many years, and we will be for many more to come. You can trust Grit Blasting UK to deliver for you and your company. Our team are friendly, approachable and genuinely believe the customer comes first.
So if you are thinking about approaching us for a surface preparation quote, or you are just interested to see how we work, you might find our values very much match yours. If quality, reliability, and trust are top of your list, give us a call today.